Page 4 - Triangle Spring 2007 Issue 2
P. 4

Provincial It is not  only for                        The Scottish Constitution and the

        Meeting             Provincial Off cers but an  Mark Degree.
                            opportunity for all brethren to come   The Mark is an integral part of both Craft and Royal
        3.00 p.m.           along to make new friends and     Arch Chapter in Scotland: it is the fourth degree of

        Saturday            enjoy the pageantry and ambiance   Scottish Craft Masonry, there are no Mark aprons an
                            of the occasion. It is a meeting
                                                              Craft regalia is worn.In Chapter a candidate must be a
        5  May              where all Mark Master Masons      Mark Mason before being exhalted as a Companion.
                                                              Some R.A.Chapters are therefore warrented to advance
                            whatever their rank are welcome,
                            together with their wife or partner.  candidates to the Mark Degree. The words and ritual
                                                              of the advancement ceremony in a Craft Lodge, we
        New Appointments  The Provincial Grand                as English Mark Masons would f nd very familiar but
        Master will be investing and promoting brethren from all   a Chapter advancement takes some interesting and
        the Lodges in the Province, in particular the new Wardens   alternative forms.
        Adrian Jones and John Peters and the new Provincial   One ceremony comences with the Master Mason
        Secretary, John Morgan.                               entering the Chapter with the deacons, wearing the large
        Ladies are very welcome! For some years               operatives apron and carrying material for inspection.
        now the Ladies have been invited to join us for dinner   After the normal inspection, rejection and f nding of
        after the meeting. Somerset is the only Mark Province to   the stone, the candidate is congratulated on his skill
        do this and it has proved very popular. Catherine Nelson   displayed in cutting the stone and f nding it uninjured
        and Hazel Guthrie will again welcome the Ladies and   in the quarry. He is now advanced to the honourable
        a presentation on ref exology will be given by  Mrs Jo   degree of Mark Master Mason. To do this he retires and is
        Jeffrey while Provincial Grand Lodge is in progress.   received back into the chapter in due form. He is formally
        Important notice for all Provincial                   introduced, selects his Mark, is paid his wages and takes
                                                              his obligation. The Senior Warden communicates the
        Off cers                                              secrets and invests him as a Mark Master, this is followed
        During your year in off ce the Provincial Grand Master   by the presentation of the working tools.
        would very much appreciate your support at all Mark   There is another simple form of advancement in a
        Lodge Installations. On the evening you will be expected   Scotitish Royal Arch Chapter. The candidate enters with
        to process into the Lodge with the Provincial Grand   an example of his work, this is examined by the Right
        Master, his Deputy or Warden. You are all welcome to   Worshipful Mark Master, if aproved and the candidate
        attend as many Installations as you can, you must book   can provide proof of his rank to the Junior and Senior
        in with the Lodge Secretary or dining steward and you will  Wardens he then choses his mark, receives his wages
        be responsible for the cost of your meal.             and takes his obligation as a Mark Master Mason.
          Mark Lodge Installation Programme 2007              The Lecture on the Mark Degree is delivered in all three
                                                              forms of advancement ceremony.
                                                                                                  David Platten.
               Lodge    No        Date        Off cer             2007 Festival target is reached!
                                                              Our Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, David Jenkins
         Royal Cumberland       TI     14-Mar-07    PGM       has announced that he expects the 2007 Festival target
         Somerdale             1608    16-Mar-07    PGM       of £2.5 million will be met and he thanked all the Masons
         Royal Sussex           177    26-Mar-07    DPGM      in the Province for making such a magnif cent effort. The
                                                              exact  total  will  be  announced  at  the  Festival  Dinner  to
         Mendip                 781    27-Mar-07     JW
                                                              be held at the Webbington Hotel on Thursday 17  May.
         Carnarvon              119    16-Apr-07    DPGM      In  addition  to  the  President  and  other  members  of  the
         Hallam                 730    25-Apr-07    PGM       RMBI  team  the  Pro  Grand  Master,  Lord  Northampton
         Exmoor                 697    10-May-07    DPGM      is  expected  to  be  present. There  are  still  a  few  tickets
                                                              (£37.50 each) available, application should be made to
         Somerset I.M.M.       1652    4-June- 07   DPGM      the Festival Dinner Secretary.
         Monument              1295    19-Sept-07   DPGM       Phillip Summers  Flat 59 Madeira Court, Knightstone
         Langdale              1695    24-Sept-07   PGM               Road, Weston super Mare, BS23 2BH
                                                                               Tel;01934 644252
         William de Irwin       162    27-Sept-07    JW
         Eldon                  807     4-Oct-07     SW           Provincial Lodge of Instruction
         Cerdic                 571    17-Oct-07    PGM      The  Provincial  L  of  I  (North)  will  perform  their  f rst
                                                             demonstration  Cermony  at  the  regular  meeting  of  the
         William Long           191    19-Oct-07     JW      Lodge of Fidelity & Unanimity No 348 Taunton. Any Mark
         Fidelity & Unanimity   348    30-Oct-07    DPGM     Master  Mason  who  would  like  to  attend  to  see  how  it
         Nailsea               1548    12-Nov-07    PGM      should be done should book in with the Lodge secretary
                                                             David Palmer; Tel 01823461381
         Science                128    15-Nov-07    DPGM
                                                             David Platten (01935862512) will hold a meeting of
         Else                   102    20-Nov-07    P.SEC    the Provincial L of I (South) at Glastonbury MH on
         Portcullis            1658    20-Nov-07    PGM      Wednesday 28  March at 7pm.
                                                                         The Provincial Grand Master
         George Norman          967    26-Nov-07     SW                will be attending both meetings.
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