Page 8 - Triangle Spring 2007 Issue 2
P. 8

Letters         Thank you to all Somerset             the  elder,  Dennis  by
                                                              name  and  Dad  to
        to the          Mark Master Masons                    Toby.  Many  fathers
                        It is with the greatest of pleasure
        editor          that I write through our newsletter to   have  Initiated  their
                                                              sons  into  various
                        thank you all for your generosity and   Degrees,  but  this
                        hardwork in raising over £26000 for   occasion  was  very
        my Endoscope appeal. It really was a magnif cent effort   special,  not  only  for
        by everyone concerned and I am very proud of what the   the  Master,  but  for
        Mark Master Masons in Somerset had achieved in such   those who witnessed
        a short period of time. This wonderful total will be used   it. All went very well;
        for the purchase of equipment at the Bath Royal United   the  Candidate  was
        Hospital which is the region centre for treating urological   suitably  admonished
        health problems. An off cial handover was made by me   in  the  very  best
        on the 26  January and I had the support from Brethren   manner and eventually welcomed into the Lodge by the
        of every Lodge in the Province for which I was most   Master  who  presented  him  with  a  book  of  Ritual  and  a
        grateful. To help the community and ourselves in such   Lodge tie.
        a worth while project is I believe at the heart of Masonic   This happy atmosphere continued into the Festive Board
        charity and everyone in Somerset can be justly proud of   when Dennis reminded his worshipful son that this was
        our success in raising this truly marvellous total.   a long awaited return match, for had he not Initiated him
                                               David Nelson   into the King Alfred Craft Lodge f fteen years ago! All in
                                    Provincial Grand Master
                                                              all a happy ending to a not-to-be-forgotten evening. The
        The Late Jim Webber                                   raff e raised £202 which will be presented to the Weston-
        I was saddened to read W Bro Jim Webber’s obituary in   super-Mare Guide Dogs for the Blind, the chairman being
                                                              Bro. Chas Heard, Senior Overseer of the Lodge.
        the last edition of your excellent magazine.  He was a long-                       Pat Morrisey, Secretary
        time friend of my late father and a lovely man.
        Your readers may be interested to learn a few details of   Burns Night at George Norman
        his distinguished war record.
        On 7  November 1942 the 10th Battalion Somerset Light
        Infantry was re-badged as the 7th (Light Infantry) Battalion
        of  the  Parachute  Regiment.   At  00.50  hrs  on  D-day  (6
        June 1944) the Battalion parachuted into Normandy with
        the  task  of  securing  and  holding  the  area  surrounding
        the  bridges  across  the  Caen  Canal  and  Rover  Orme  at
        Bénouville  and  Ranville  (now  known  as  Pegasus  and
        Horsa  bridges  respectively).    A  detachment  of  the  2nd
        Bn  the  Oxford  and  Buckinghamshire  Light  Infantry  had
        already landed alongside the bridges by Horsa Glider at
        00.10 hrs and taken the German guards by surprise.  No.
        2  Commando  Brigade,  the  f rst  detachment  ashore  on
        Sword Beech, eventually relieved the Airborne Forces at   Goodness knows what Burns would have made of it, the
        14.00 hrs.                                            Master, Ted George wearing a tartan bonnet and a shock
        Two 7th (L.I.) Para soldiers involved that day were later   of Orange hair while the address to the Haggis given
        to  become  prominent  Somerset  Masons  –  Capt.  Jim  J.   by “wee” Jimmy Halfpenny in full highland dress and a
        Webber (2i/c of A Coy) and Capt. John D. Went (Admin   wooly hat! But everyone there enjoyed an exceptional
        Capt. of H.Q. Coy).  A Coy held the forward easterly f ank   advancement ceremony, not
        against determined German counter-attacks for most of D-  least the candidate Nigel Lovett
        day.  Active command was exercised by Capt. Jim Webber,   (left of WM) followed by a raucus
        the  only  Off cer  on  his  feet,  despite  having  received  a   festive board!
        gunshot wound to the chest.  John Went served throughout
        the War relatively unscathed and was later promoted to the  Mark Masters
        rank of Major.  Among the many decorations gazetted after  Mervyn Western has been a
        that momentous day was a M.C. for Capt. Webber.       member of Carnarvon Lodge for
                 Dr Roger H Jago. PM Taunton School Lodge,    over 25 years. In that time he has
                 Grand Superintendent - Hampshire and IOW.    proposed many candidates into
        Chip off the New Block!                               the Lodge including this years
                                                              Master, Mike Greaves. Mike says
        The meetings of the Else Lodge of Mark Master Masons   he has had a fantastic year in the
        are  always  happy  occasions,  but  the  last  meeting  on   Chair of a great Lodge enjoying terrif c suport from the
        Tuesday 16  January was very different.               brethren. As a thank you to Mervyn for proposing him in
        For his f rst Ceremony, Toby Hammond the new Master   the f rst instance he presented him with a 25 year Mark
        had  a  very  special Advancee:  no  other  than  Hammond   lapel badge at the Lodge meeting in December.

          The Somerset Triangle is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Somerset. Editor, Ray Guthrie, Kynance,
                      Timsbury Road, High Littleton, Bristol, BS39 6HL Tel 01761471275.  email;
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