Page 1 - Triangle Summer 2014 Issue 16
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ISSUE 16 Summer 2014
Greetings to our new Provincial Grand Master
Saturday 3 May 2014, at the Webbington Hotel, Loxton, Axbridge, Worshipful Philip Clifford Voisey
was a day to be remembered by all Mark Masons in Somerset. For was next appointed as Deputy
it was the day that Worshipful Brother John Graham Morgan was Provincial Grand Master & was
Installed as our new Provincial Grand Master by The Pro Grand duly escorted into the lodge in due
Master, The Most Worshipful Brother Benjamin Addy. form & ceremony. As before the
Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by The Right Patent of Appointment was read by
Worshipful Brother Anthony Walter Samson Hick, Past Provincial the Grand Secretary, W. Brother
Grand Master, after which all stood to receive the Pro Grand Philip was addressed as to the
Master & his Assisting Officers. nature of his duties, took a solemn
On assuming the chair, the Pro Grand Master appointed his obligation, was invested by the
Officers & was saluted under the direction of the Grand Director PGM & conducted to his seat by
of Ceremonies. After which he addressed the brethren as to the the Deputy Grand Director of
purpose of the meeting. Ceremonies. W. Brother Philip
On his direction, the Grand Director of Ceremonies retired to was in turn proclaimed & saluted
ascertain that the Provincial Grand Master Designate was in by the assembled Brethren.
attendance, on his return he affirmed that Worshipful Brother The Provincial Grand Master rose to
John was in attendance & requested to be installed. The Patent of address & thank the Pro Grand Master
Appointment was examined, the Grand Director of Ceremonies & his Assisting Officers for their work,
accompanied by certain appointed brethren retired & re-entered after which, all rose as the Installing
the Lodge to introduce the Provincial Grand Master Designate. Team retired in procession.
The ceremony continued smoothly as per the Order of Proceedings. This very special day in the Somerset
W. Brother John took a solemn obligation & was conducted to the calendar, will be celebrated in
Installing Officer who invested him & installed him into the chair
of his office. The Provincial Grand Master was proclaimed & pictures in the next Triangle
saluted under the direction of the Grand DC. Magazine.
Final long week-end at Paignton
For the last time all Somerset Mark Masons with their family Voisey with
& friends joined together at the Redcliffe Hotel Paignton for his lady Gill.
the ever popular Annual Ball. For the last time our Provincial
Grand Master, The Right Worshipful Brother David Brian As per the
Nelson together with his lady Catherine were our hosts before article above,
his retirement as PGM in April. For the last time, Worshipful this our last
Brother Tony Snook together with his lady Dorothy had planned visit to the
& organised the entire weekend with their usual perfection, Redcliffe
honed from countless years of experience preparing for this Hotel will
wonderful weekend; for they too would now be retiring. be featured
For the last time, we said goodbye to all the hotel staff who have with many
made us so welcome over the many years, many becoming friends. pictures in
We can now look forward, for the first time to a different venue t h e n e x t
next year, hosted by our new Provincial Grand Master, The edition of
Right Worshipful Brother John Graham Morgan with his Lady your Triangle
Wendy together with his Deputy PGM, W. Brother Philip Clifford Magazine.