Page 7 - Triangle Summer 2014 Issue 16
P. 7
We All Love Iris-May
The first meeting of the new year of Nailsea Mark Lodge 1548
witnessed the giving of a cheque for £500 to Iris-May, the 8 year
old granddaughter of Worshipful Master Ben Ambler.
Iris-May has Ollier’s disease a rare form of bone cancer, 1 in 100,000 live births
have this disease which affects the long bone and growth plates of the body.
The condition will affect all her bones, but at present it is
more prominent on her left side especially her left hand.
This has meant her fingers haven’t grown at the rate they
should have, caused by the growth affecting her knuckles.
She deals with a lot of pain and struggles with mundane day-to-day
She is an amazing little girl who never complains; she
just carries on and adjusts life where she needs to.
SCAT (Skeletal Cancer Action Trust) is her charity, it is the only charity
undertaking research into this condition. She has managed
to raise £5000 in the past five years since she was diagnosed.
The Worshipful Master Jon Mansell and Very Worshipful
Brother Cliff Hannabuss-Lodge Charity Steward
presented the cheque to Iris-May’s mother Sarah.
Picture top right shows Iris sitting next to and in the Master’s chair,
Below right Jon Mansell, Cliff Hannabuss, Iris-May with mum Sarah.
Picture left, Iris-May gives a big thank you to the lodge, what a smile!
Pictures courtesy Bro. David Rafferty, thank you David. Many thanks to Ben Ambler for this very touching article.
Travelling Ark Programme
3rd Sept. - Yatton Lodge No. 967 to Somerset Commanders Lodge No. 1656 (Wedmore)
1st December - Somerset Commanders Lodge to Thackeray Lodge No. 730 (Clevedon)
18th February - Thackeray Lodge to Portal Lodge No.155 (Frome)
27th May - Portal Lodge to Cerdic Lodge No. 571 (Chard)
1st June - Cerdic Lodge to Herbert Fuller Lodge No. 128 (Wincanton)
21st September - Herbert Fuller Lodge to Irwin Lodge No. 1129 (Bath)
Travellng Key-Stone Programme
The Travelling Keystone 2014
has been roving around the 17th September - Installed Mark Masters Lodge to Monument Lodge No. 1295
Province for the last 23 years, 8th October - Monument Lodge to Royal Cumberland Lodge No. TI
its mission to bring Mark 5th November - Royal Cumberland Lodge to Quantock Lodge No. 749
Masons together at their 2015
various Lodges, forging new
friendships and strengthening 27th January - Quantock Lodge - to Fidelity & Unanimity Lodge No. 348
old ones. 17th March - Fidelity & Unanimity Lodge to Else Lodge No. 102