Page 5 - Triangle Summer 2014 Issue 16
P. 5

William Long Lodge, No 191                          Sixty Years Young for Fenton

                                                         Worshipful Brother Fenton Rutter Joined Science Lodge in June 1953 and
                                                         became Worshipful Master in 1970. He was later promoted to Past Provincial
                                                         Grand Senior Warden.
                                                         He is 91 and still regularly, (most days) goes into his office to see how his
                                                         business is progressing.
                                                         RW Bro David Nelson presented Fenton with his Certificate at his home in
                                                         December 2013.
                                                         David was accompanied by, Back Row: W Brothers Tony Hitch, Richard Old,
                                                         Tony Wilcox and Alan Hayward. The front Row shows: W.Bro Fenton with
                                                         RW Bro David Nelson and Mrs Rutter.
                                                         …Tony Wilcox. Secretary, Science Lodge, No. 1228.

           A happy sequel to the PGM’s very successful presentation
           of a fully equipped Motor Cycle to the “Freewheelers,
           Riding for life” charity came at the March meeting of the
           William Long Lodge of Mark Master Masons, meeting
           at Burnham-on-Sea. There the Worshipful Master Julian
           Frost & his team had the pleasure to Advance
           Brother Mark Blackburn into the Lodge. Brother Mark
           is a member of Lodge Uno-Corde, No. 5736 & also one
           of the voluntary ‘Blood Bike’ riders for the Freewheelers
           charity. His introduction to all at the Festive Board was
           greeted warmly with much acclamation.
           The Lodge is in fine form, with several potential candidates
           waiting to be Advanced.
           Thanks to Chris Becket for the information, pic,Ed.

                  News from Exmoor Mark and Royal  Ark Mariner Lodges

         At the Mark meeting in March & in the presence of The Provincial   a cheque for £200 to Mrs Christine Payne of the Alcombe Food
         Grand Master RWBrother David Brian Nelson & his Deputy, W.   Cupboard.
         Brother John Graham Morgan (PGM Designate), the following   W. Brother’s Paul & Richard also presented, on behalf of all
         Presentations were made.                             their members, a retirement gift to our retiring Provincial Grand
         From the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Paul Cullum, a cheque for   Master, RWBrother David, that being a trip for two to the top of
         £325 to Mrs. Shelagh Evans of the Williton Signers who produce   the Shard in London!
         readable & instructional books for children with severe reading   Also, & for your amusement, we publish a picture of the latest
         difficulties. These books are also supplied to Hospices in the   member to Exmoor RAM, Bro. Ken Gillard seen here prepared
         South West.                                          for his voyage on the Ark! Normally a wet suit is the norm, but
         This charity has been the Worshipful Master’s project throughout   as one that fitted Bro. Ken was not available, a better fitting
         the year.                                            Sou’wester & Marker buoy had to suffice!
         From The Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. Richard Wickham,   Report from Norman Ackland PIO...Thank you Norman…Ed.

            Mrs. Shelagh  Evans         Mrs Christine Payne         Shard London         Brother Ken Gillard

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