Page 8 - Triangle Summer 2014 Issue 16
P. 8

Cath’s flowers    G o o d b y e   D a v i d ,   T h e   e n d   o f   a n   E r a

                              A  celebration  dinner  to  Mark  the   and support over the past ten years and for their very generous
                              retirement  of  R.W.Bro  David  Nelson   and splendid gift of a new Past Provincial Grand Masters apron.
                              took  place  at  the  Cadbury  House   Mrs Catherine Nelson was presented with a beautiful bouquet of
                             Hotel  on  the  evening  of  Friday  4th   flowers and she likewise thanked all present for their kindness.
                            April  2014.  200  Brethren  and  Ladies   The pictures show top row left: RWBrother David Brian Nelson,
                          gathered  at  the  hotel  to  thank  R.W.Bro   With his Deputy W.Brother John Graham Morgan, and that apron.
                       David  for  his  twenty  years  of  dedicated   Top right: R.Worshipful Brother Stuart Hadler, Craft PGMaster
          service  to  the  Mark  Degree  in  Somerset,  first  as  Provincial   for Somerset with his Lady Sue.
          Secretary and for the last ten years as Provincial Grand Master.   Middle row: W. Brother John proposing the toast to RWBrother
          The  Deputy  PGM,  W.Bro  John  G  Morgan  proposed  a  toast  to   David.  Followed  by:  Chris  Green,  ‘Close  Up  Magician’  who
          the health of our PGM and his wife Cath, in doing so thanking   enthralled every table during the dinner with his magic!
          him  for  his  service  and  Cath  for  her  forbearance  and  support!   Bottom row: Cath Nelson winning everybody’s attention with her
          The  Provincial  Grand  Master  responded  in  kind,  mentioning   recollections over countless years, of her support for David & the
          some of what he felt had been the highlights of the last ten years,   posibility of seeing more of him in the years to come.
          culminating in the presentation 5 weeks ago of a new Motorbike to   This might be doubtful for as we all know, ‘you can’t keep a good
          the Freewheelers Charity. He thanked the brethren for their kindness   man down’!...Copy Ray Guthrie/Ed.... Pics, Ed.

            The Somerset Triangle Newsletter is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge
                                  of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
          The editor Patrick Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs
          for possible publication.Please send to:- “Ashcombe Lodge”, 3 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare,
          N. Somerset BS23 2SA. Tel. 01934 631449. email:- or
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