Page 6 - Triangle Summer 2014 Issue 16
P. 6
Annual Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly
Yet again, the Nailsea Masonic Hall was the venue for the 10 Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank with their Collarets.
Annual Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly. This was to be the They were W. Brothers, J. Nicholson, V. Cook, C. R. White, J.
last RAM Assembly that our ever popular Provincial Grand Master, A. Chinn, R. Troup, C. E. Summers, D. J. Hutchings, & I. G. P.
David Brian Nelson attended before his retirement after ten years Strickland.
making his ‘mark’ in Somerset as our PGM! W. Bro. Philip Voisey, (Deputy Provincial Grand Master Designate)
The Lodge room was full to capacity, with dining chairs forming a sitting quietly across the room was requested to stand & to his
new row all around the perimeter of the Temple. At the command surprise, was also presented with a Collaret, his look of surprise
of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ray Johnstone- was a pleasure to see! Acclamation was then given to them all.
Smith, and to the strains of the organ, the assembled brethren The Provincial Grand Master next addressed the assembled brethren,
including many visiting dignitaries rose. The Officers of Provincial sadly for the last time, after which all gave their appreciation with
Grand Lodge entered forming two rows for the advancing Standard much spontaneous applause.
and Sword Bearers escorting RWBro. David into the room. The Worshipful Commander of the Irwin Lodge accompanied by
The opening Hymn was sung & the Provincial Grand Master, many of his brethren next rose to present to the Provincial Grand
assisted by his deputy, W. Bro. John Morgan opened the Assembly Master the Travelling Ark, with instructions to deliver it to the Bath
in due form. The afternoon’s business included calling the roll Lodge Time Immemorial.
of Royal Ark Mariner Lodges present, the members of all lodges After further business, the closing Hymn was sung, alms were
answering in fine voice. collected & the Assembly was closed in due form.
Members of the Somerset Lodge of Improvement, under the All then retired to the dining room for an excellent lunch. The toast
direction of W. Bro. Derek Wilton next gave a presentation of the to the Visiting Brethren was given by the Provincial Grand Junior
Royal Ark Mariner Tracing Board, which was noticeably received Warden, W. Brother Garry Hughes.
with appreciation. RWBrother Basil Bark, (who of course said his bark was worse
The PGM next rose to welcome individually the newly Elevated than his bite) gave a very witty response to the amusement of all
Royal Ark Mariners present who had all received a personal present; a very happy day altogether! ...Copy/Pics, Ed.
invitation from the PGM to attend.
One of the main events of the day was to invest the recipients of
“Well Done Philip” said Ray!
Basil ‘Barking’ his reply to the Visitors Toast!
David enthusiastically welcomes the new Royal Ark Mariners!
One PGM, two DC’s & two new Provincial Officers