Page 4 - Triangle Summer 2014 Issue 16
P. 4

Well Done Clive!                                   Provincial Seminar

                                                                   Calling all Secretaries, Scribes
                                                                      & Directors of Ceremonies
                                                                  Don’t miss this important meeting at
                                                                          Wedmore Masonic Hall,
                                                                   Friday 29  August 2014 at 7.00pm.
                                                                       On this occasion the meeting will be
                                                                    chaired by our Provincial Grand Master
                                                                          RWBrother John Morgan.
                                                                    The meeting will also welcome Assistant
                                                                             Secretaries, Scribes &
                                                                       Assistant Directors of Ceremonies
                                                                      Light refreshments will be provided
         Else Lodge No. 102. Member Bro. Clive Sutton’s special day           The bar will be open
         The occasion was at the Avalon Conclave number 379, of the Order of   Hand-outs will be available for all
         the Secret Monitor held at Glastonbury on Wednesday 14th May 2014.
         The photograph shows Clive just after his installation as Supreme Ruler   It is important that every lodge in
         by Worthy Brother Graham Jeffery together with his officers.   the Province be represented.
         Also  present  were  the  Provincial  Grand  Supreme  Ruler  R.Wy.Bro.
         Trevor Cooper, the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler V.Wy.
         Bro. Bill Lloyd PAGDC and V.Wy.Bro. John Massey.
         Clive said, “This was a very special occasion for me as it is the first   Provincial 600 Club Winners
         chair I have occupied since joining masonry all those years ago!  It
         was a fun and splendid evening and I felt very humbled by the whole   Congratulations to our lucky winners.
         experience”.                                                         Each Draw take place
          The ceremony was followed by a festive board at the George and   at a different lodge each month,
         Pilgrims hotel...Clive was talking to Pat Morrisey.                 the WM and his Wardens
                                                                             draw the lucky winners.
              Past Deputy honoured by PGM                                 Prizes: 1st. £150, 2nd. £100,
         At the regular meeting of Irwin Lodge No 119 at Keynsham on 17th        3rd. & 4th. £50.
         March the Provincial Grand Master. R.W.Bro David Nelson, surprised       Entry Forms available from your Lodge
         his Past Deputy PGM, V.W.Bro Ray Guthrie, by presenting him with his   Charity Steward.
         Certificate of Merit.
         V.W.Bro Ray was Deputy PGM of the Mark degree in Somerset for     Draw                    Name                     Lodge
         eight years from 2004. The certificate cites his “Long, dedicated and   Feb.  1st. W. Bro. Walter Wood  1548
         valued service to his Lodges and to the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner   “  W. Bro. David Burrows    1608
         degrees in the Province of Somerset”. He thanked the Provincial Grand
         Master for his great kindness in presenting the certificate and for the very   “  W. Bro. Chris White  128
         fine solid silver Somerset Mark Token presented along with it.  “   VWBro. Cliff Hannabuss       1548
                                                                 Mar.            Mrs Jane Dunn            1295
                                                                   “           W. Bro. Steve Defries      781
                                                                   “            W. Bro. Bob Cole          730
                                                                   “          W. Bro. Harry Jordan        807
                                                                 April         Miss Kizzy Haggett         1656
                                                                   “           W. Bro. Phil Voisey        807
                                                                   “           Bro. Fin Christensen       781
                                                                   “           Bro. David Colston         807

                                                                 May         W. Bro. Stephen Hawkins      1912
                                                                   “        W. Bro. John Bathe-Taylor     1608
                                                                   “          Bro. Dudley Tremaine        781
                                                                   “           W. Bro. Brian Rees         1608

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