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P. 23
Dogs and Rain
By Sally Newman
Does anyone remember the song
which begins, ‘Just walking in the
rain, getting soaking wet....'? Well, I
am sure that most people reading this
will have done just that because our
dogs need their walks whatever the
weather. I always walk mine twice a little rivulets all over the paths. My
day and the weather does not put me hair and top were dryish but my skirt
or the dogs off. was dripping wet and my legs were
spattered with mud. I really must
In summer 2022 with all that have looked a sight!
hot weather I still walked
them twice a day, locally I wanted to go to Iceland to get milk
on leads in the c o o l e r for the next week, being a Tuesday,
mornings and in the afternoons with 20% discount for the over 60s.
after 5:00pm off the lead in It was still raining hard at this time.
the woods behind the golf There were streams of water running
course where the paths over the pavements and the sides
never got any sun at all of the roads but I just waded
during the day and were cool and through. I saw the till lady at the
very shaded. We only walked for shelves who I know well and
20 minutes but Bolt and Flo did showed her how I
appreciate it having had to stay in looked. She said her
most of the day as it was too hot dog refused to go out in
to stay outside. (My half the rain and hated being
subterranean kitchen with dried so she does not
ceramic tiled floor remained at have that problem. There
24C when it was 36C outside!) was only one other
shopper in front of me and
Then the hot weather ended; lovely Denise at the till so I was in and out
to have it cooler! We had a few spots quickly which was good as I had
of rain on the Monday so when it was forgotten to put my mask on!
spotting, before I took the dogs out
at 5:00pm the following day, I took The rain was falling even
my cagoule and had an umbrella in harder when I got back
the car. It started raining as soon as home so I let the dogs out
we started out and poured and of the car and got my
poured the whole time. I actually met shopping bag but I dropped it
two couples that I know with their going down the steps and one of the
dogs too. I only had canvas slip on milk cartons cracked. It was only on
shoes so by the time I got back my the handle and the dogs liked lapping
feet were soaked because there were up the bit that was spilled. There was