Page 25 - C:\Users\Keita\Documents\Flip PDF Professional\Autumn 2023\
P. 25
By David Matthews
The content of this editorial is
addressed to the competitors in the
Keeshond community.
blame; has society changed that
I have been in livestock all my life much through the decades?
and have involvement as a
Keeshondite since 1987. I have If it is making you feel yucky
struggled with whether or not I reading this I guess that is good as
should write this article for several I feel yucky and sad writing it but
months. I have decided that if I it makes me realise that I could
do I will probably be criticised for it hone my skills more in these areas
and if I don’t it would fester in me too, as well as other folk.
like a splinter that can’t be reached. We are all people and not a single
The latter has won, so here goes...
one of us better than the other; we
Those of us attending shows on a are not perfect and not a single one
regular basis, at pleasant venues of us has a perfect dog just the
inside or outside, as Keeshond perfect desire to breed, own, and
people we set up in areas provided exhibit the perfect dog. Let’s let go
for us if there is no benching. We of the egos, the nasty gossip and
represent every age group and may the nasty ringside remarks; it really
live hundreds of miles from one doesn’t make us feel good to be
another, having to travel to these involved in this behaviour on either
events. side of the fence. It serves no
purpose and results in no positive
Chatting regarding the yesteryear outcome and it makes it look bad
of exhibiting dogs; the then and to others from outside the breed.
now, with talk of bad behaviour and Let’s learn to be mentors,
poor sportsmanship we witness supporters, friends and allies. Let’s
regularly, or even have been part cheer on our representatives
of to a degree, it seems none of us despite the fact we may not like
have an explanation as to why this his/her colour or front or tail set
is. But, it costs nothing to be nice, that well. It will make us feel better
and with transparency. and enable us all to look forward to
the next show for more than just
I think people, not just Keeshond the points. It will make us all feel
exhibitors, have not been practising like better people too.
the arts of respect, courtesy, We will feel what it is like to be a
kindness, generosity and honesty Keeshond.
as well as we should. Instead, we
have become selfish, egotistical, Thank you and happy showing for
rude and spiteful. Is the media to the future.