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that he is a good all-round example (well, if you can get the ball off him).
of a dog not just a Keeshond. A judge said to me that he gave her
the impression that he could run
along a towpath all day, on and off a
barge if he were working as intended
and that was the sort of praise I love
to hear.
When relaxed he is either lying by my
feet or cuddled up on the sofa whilst
looking into my eyes as I hold his paw
– his idea not mine; it’s a bit odd but
he likes it. For a bit of fun we do
BIS Lancaster and District Canine Soc. Hoopers, Agility and Dog Parkour.
If you are new to showing my
bullet points are:
● Go to Ringcraft classes.
● Your dog can be a pet and a show
● You don’t need to wrap your show
dog in cotton wool.
● Go to as many Open shows as you
can to gain experience.
● The tense feeling you get at a
Championship show is normal
(same in all breeds apparently - I’ve
asked around).
● Be friendly and talk to people who
want to talk to you. (Don’t worry
about those that don’t – don’t take We are working our way through the
it personally, it’s not you.) Royal Kennel Club Good Citizen
Awards and we go to a weekly dog
I’ve deliberately used Steve’s pet training class. We are lucky to have
name first rather than his show name a really good dog training school in
(Liefkees Assisi JW), because that’s our village who offer all sorts of fun
what he is, a pet first. activities for dogs to do.
He runs around muddy fields with a And yes, if you have an intelligent
group of dogs, he swims in the sea breed like ours, you can teach it loads
and rivers, in the winter we use a dog of other stuff and it can still be a
hydrotherapy pool and he plays fetch successful show dog.