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of message I can state here that “confusing statement” which implied
the above was absolutely 100% true. that there may be no option other
Even if we humans gloss things up than to receive this magazine
and dramatize for maximum effect, electronically; this was not only my
a dog will tell you it as it is. Hairy opinion. I know the committee won't
seemed to take quite a while to get take issue with me for taking this
over his experience and was reluctant opportunity to remind readers that if
to walk in the gardens for some time your preference is to receive this
afterwards. Personally I have never publication in the traditional way, by
got over the shock of this experience hard-copy, if you haven’t done so
nor has the clarity of it diminished already, you will need to contact the
with time. As for Kit, despite taking secretary and request it.
over the same walks and playing her
torch beam in the same way, *Priest Hole - A hiding hole, often in
Graham’s ghost never appeared to floors, walls or attics built into old
houses of worship in the middle ages
her, much to her chagrin!
to provide a refuge for priests who’s
Supplementary to my story, I'm so theological teachings did not meet
glad now to be back writing for this the approval of the Crown’s Church
member’s magazine; sharing our of England. Nicholas Owen was a
experiences of what binds us all well-known builder of priest holes
together. It's no secret that I lost between 1565 and 1606. He was
the appetite to contribute, as did the finally caught and tortured to death
other authors, following what was a in the Tower of London.
Anji Marfleet Kitxe
Health Coordinator
As I write this in the middle of that total in reality is even higher.
September (two thirds of the way
through the year), what initially Of the 18 litters born, 10 have been
looked like a reasonable number of of a decent size (2 x 8, 4 x 7 and 4
puppies being born has now almost x 6) and 11 girls were having their
come to a standstill. Being ever the first litter; although there has been
optimist I thought that registrations a worrying number of fatalities (11)
were beginning to look a little for whatever reason.
better; with over 60 puppies being
born by the beginning of May but On a positive note, I know that
then that was it, just 5 litters born there are a couple of litters ‘in the
in the last 4 months. pipe-line’, with October/November
looking to be the time when the
So far, we have had 17 litters born, ‘next bus turns up’. Fingers crossed
resulting in 88 puppies – 43 dogs we might reach (or even exceed)
and 45 bitches; with at least 5 the 100 mark by the end of this year.
‘misses’ although I’m 100% sure