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which was to follow during the time  smoke  filled  room.    At  a  less  noisy
        of  my  ownership,  ‘Period  Homes’  moment, to our joy, a guest suddenly
        magazine  requested  a  front  cover  heard  the  same  voice  while  sitting
        feature article all about the history of  in  the  inglenook  with  my  wife.  I
        the house, our personal experiences  switched off the hi-fi and we all dived
        and  how  we  toiled  to  return  this  in to listen. No one went to bed that
        historic property and gardens to its  night without bearing witness to our
        former  glory.  Some  time  later  an  singing angel.  Un-convinced, Perro
        abridged version was published in the  (the  dog),  had  remembered  that
        Daily  Telegraph  property  for  sale  beautiful  voice  too  and  on  several
        review  wherein  the  following  story  occasions  had  suddenly  emerged
        was told…                           from his slumbers and walked to the
                                            fireplace  and  cocked  his  head.    If
        Late  one  evening,  long  after  the  he  did  hear  something  we  didn't
        family  had  retired  to  bed,  I  was  always,  but  I  suspect  he  did.  The
        sitting in the Inglenook reviewing a  Daily Telegraph ran a column on the
        presentation  I  was  due  to  give  the  experience just after the great storm
        following  morning  in  London.  What  of October 1987 when the barn had
        happened  next  astonished  me,  the  sustained significant damage.  Many
        memory  of  which  will  stay  with  me  people have asked me on hearing the
        always.  I  heard  very  distinctly  the  story if I was frightened. Hell no, I
        sound of a beautiful voice of a young
                                            felt privileged.
        girl singing an unaccompanied solo.
        It came from behind the fireplace. I  Another strange experience occurred
        was completely mesmerized as was    several  years  later  while  living  in
        our farm dog, Perro, (a collie cross),  Sussex.  This  was  certainly  enough
        who immediately rushed to my side   to  give  my  sweat  glands  a  nudge
        and joined me as we both sat gazing  and  by  contrast,  was  not  such  a
        into  the  last  smouldering  embers  pleasant  one.  The  cottage  was
        of the log fire still sending wisps of  extensive and had been sub-divided
        smoke up the chimney. The TV had    into  two  dwellings.  We  believe  we
        been  turned  off  several  hours   lived  in  a  beautiful  location  in  the
        previously  as  had  the  hi-fi.  This  Southdown National Park, situated in
        beautiful melodic sound lasted a full  the grounds of a magnificent country
        minute,  maybe  even  longer,  and  I  mansion which was rented out to the
        was emotionally quite spellbound at  Foreign Office for their conferences.
        the privileged experience.   It became  I was not at all surprised, when one
        the  subject  of  many  discussions  morning in September, I was forcibly
        subsequently.                       cleaning the wife's car, when Douglas
                                            Hurd walked up to me and asked for
        Quite coincidentally about a year later  directions  back  to  the  Conference
        we  were  hosting  a  dinner  party  for  Centre!    He  seemed  such  a  lovely
        about  eight  guests  and  had  just  man,  so  connected,  ordinary  and
        retired to the drawing room for the  polite  for  a  Tory  Foreign  Secretary.
        post-dinner  chat  and  jokes,  as  one  We lived with our dog, (Hairy), so no
        does!  The time was around midnight
                                            surprises  for  guessing  the  breed...
        and we chatted and slaked our thirst  Answers on a postage stamp please
        until  about  2:00  a.m.  in  a  cigar
                                            etc.  The main thing is, Hairy was my
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