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first Keesie experience.  For me it was  window I could clearly make out the
        love at first sight, although I suspect  ghoul-like  face  of  Graham,  with
        he  was  cautious  of  me  for  the  deeply  sunken  eyes,  his  head
        intrusion on his privacy.           partially covered in a white shroud,
                                            motionless  as  he  gazed  out  of  the
        The head gardener, Graham, lived in  window  onto  his  prized  gardens.
        the other part of our cottage.  Sadly,  I could not believe what I was seeing
        this lovely man developed leukaemia  but seeing it I did.  I was frightened,
        and passed away several years later  and  hurried  in  total  confusion  and
        following  a  short  stay  in  hospital  panic  to  let  the  petrified  Hairy  out
        during  which  we  had  become      through  the  park  gate  to  get  us
        custodians  of  his  house  keys  for  both  back  into  our  own  garden
        security  while  the  property  was  and  home.    Accordingly,  we  both
        empty. One privilege of living on the  appeared  shocked  witless  when  we
        Estate  was  that  it  afforded  us  the  met Kit coming down the path to see
        right to walk Hairy in the magnificent,
                                            why  Hairy  was  barking  so.  I  was
        manicured  private  gardens  of  the  completely grey and dazed when she
        Conference   Centre.   The   stone  led me in and sat me down in front
        mullioned windows of both cottages  of  the  Rayburn.  It  was  several
        overlooked  these  beautiful  gardens  minutes  before  I  could  collect  my
        and  a  very  large  Victorian  green-  thoughts sufficiently to tell her what
        house.    Each  evening  Hairy  was  had happened.
        walked there unless of course there
        was  a  high-level  conference  taking  I am rarely stuck for words, but this
        place  and  a  risk  of  descending  was  exceptional.    Kit  immediately
        helicopters landing VIP guests.  It was  wanted to enter the cottage with our
        on one of these evening walks in late  set of keys as she said she’d never
        January that Hairy and I experienced  actually  seen  a  ghost  and  really
        a  spiritual  happening  as  vivid  20  wanted  to!    Somehow,  against  all
        years later as it was then.         odds, she managed to convince me
                                            to  at  least  accompany  her  to
        I  had  been  playing  my  torch  beam  Graham’s  front  door.  God  alone
        across my path, flicking it from side  knows  how  and,  struggling  to
        to  side,  when  the  light  bounced  maintain  my  composure  wanting
        off  of  one  of  the  greenhouse  roof  desperately  to  avoid  adding  to  my
        panes  and  reflected  the  beam  back  acute distress disorder symptoms, I
        directly  into  Graham’s  bedroom   reluctantly agreed to accompany her
        window.  I  saw  in  perfect  clarity  on the condition that she went first!
        Graham, standing there and I raised
        my hand to wave a greeting before   She  said  later  that  the  cottage  had
        suddenly  remembering  that  he  had  felt  unusually  cold  and  she  thought
        passed  away  some  six  months     she may have felt a movement of air
        earlier.  Hairy  also  looked  up  at  as  she  ascended  the  staircase  but
        Graham’s window and took off at a   nothing had been disturbed and she
        wild, almost uncoordinated, gallop to  saw nothing.
        the gate as fast as he could, barking
        in  a  highly  alarmed  state  which  I  While  I'm  aware  that  Shakespeare
        had  never  heard  him  do  before.  was certainly not famous for clarity
        Glancing  up  again  to  the  closed
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