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showing. It would have been lovely
if I could have shared his journey as
we’d gone along rather than leaving
it until we were 12 months in. I’m
all for sharing the achievements of
all Keeshonden; they are such a
wonderful versatile breed, I’m around
a lot of different dog breeds and there
aren’t many that match a Keeshond.
Perhaps the Versatility Award could
be used more effectively to celebrate
wins at Open shows, Fun shows and
Keeshonden involvement in other dog
activities and have less focus on
celebrating CC winners.
Good Citizen Bronze
Final note: Open shows seemed to
I’ve only had one hiccup when he was get overlooked. They are such a
younger; when we arrived at a show great place to gain experience and a
and he sat and offered me his paw Keeshond getting a Best in Show or
(the one and only thing my husband Best Puppy in Show is a big deal. On
has taught him), with a look on his top of his BPIS wins a Keeshond ‘our
face that said ‘this is what we do here Steve’ beat 563 other dogs to get
isn’t it?’ “Nooooo” he-he-he! Got him Best in Show at the Lancaster &
to do a couple of stands and we were District Canine Open Show and we
back on track and his face said ‘I should all be celebrating that.
remember this is where we have a
little trot and you give me treats
when I stand nicely’, phew!
We live in a small village and
everyone knows Steve. If we are
passing any school children there is
always a chorus of ‘Steeeeve!’ which
is adorable.
If you are at a dog show and you
want a friendly person to talk to,
come and find me, I’m always happy
to have a positive chat and if you *Junior Warrant is a Royal Kennel Club
need some help because you are new recognised award. It is a point system for
to it all, please ask. dogs up to the age of 18 months and
means a dog qualifies for Crufts for life
There is an exciting future for Steve and gets a stud book number. Also a dog
showing and with all the other fun can have the initials JW after its name for
activities we do. I hope you’ve life indicating its successes as a young dog
as it has to place first in a combination of
enjoyed hearing all about him and all Championship and Open shows with the
we have achieved in our first year of correct number of competitors.