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Separately Classified. That has just I told my family and friends Steve had
made me smile, people who are qualified for Crufts. I really feel that
experienced at dog showing have no Jane enjoys Steve’s successes as
idea how many acronyms there are much as I do. Quite a few of my
to get your head around, the number friends came to see Steve and me at
of times I’ve used incorrect words Crufts; it was so lovely to have the
for AVNSC is unreal. With my lack of support of so many people cheering
experience and confidence I queued us on.
up all day at the wrong show and
missed the class. I explained my I have done a combination of
situation to a very kind steward as Championship and Open shows. At
Championship shows there is a lot
they were packing away who
explained it was my first ever show more tension in the air; there is more
to the judge at the ring I’d waited at. of a sense of you all being in
She very kindly gave Steve and me competition with one another. At
the full ‘being in the ring experience’ Open shows it’s more relaxed and I’ve
and said at the end “you must found people to be more friendly and
continue you have a really good dog”, helpful. Interestingly you often go
bless her; I was almost in tears at under the same judges at Open
this point. One of the best things that shows that you do at Championship
happened at this show was I made a shows; I’ve found it really useful to
friend of a girl much younger than have lots of different judges go over
myself who had about 6 months Steve. For example, I am still dining
more experience in dog showing than out on the fact that the 2023 Best in
me. She’d asked me to hold her bag Show judge at Crufts gave Steve Best
as she went in the ring and we got Puppy in Show at the Nordic Show
chatting. We talk at least once a 2022.
week about this new dog showing
world we are navigating and,
although we live a couple of hours
apart, always get together if we are
at the same show. At a show a few
of the people I’ve met whilst showing
celebrated Steve getting all of his
Junior Warrant points with a picnic
and a bottle of fizz out of paper cups
- classy. Having positive like-minded
friends in all parts of your life is
important; I’ve found this to be even
truer in dog showing. BPIS, Nordic Show. Judge Stuart Mallard
My first Championship show was Due to the lack of Keeshonden
under the guidance of Steve’s currently showing there aren’t always
breeder, Jane. She guided me with breed classes at open shows. You
what to do, where to be and gave me enter under AVNSC mainly. He has
lots of encouragement that my dog placed first numerous times in AVNSC
and I were getting on ok and looking and gone into the group under lots of
the part. Celebrations that night when different judges; it has reassured me