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I was sent home with the pick of the but it did feel at times like I’d never
litter - no pressure. Apparently I get it right however I stuck with it.
needed to do something called Slowly the muscle memory started to
Ringcraft so dutifully I went along to work, I was doing fewer things
my first Ringcraft class feeling very wrong, my pace was better and I was
unsure about what to expect. After feeling more confident. At this point
the introductions I took my place in my well-behaved puppy decided to
the class and copied what everyone become a lead biter. After a few
else did. Steve stood automatically weeks of trying to work around this I
and looked up at me hopefully for a adapted a show collar with another
treat. Out of the corner of my eye I less easy to bite lead and we were
noticed a lot of pointing, nodding and back on track and he dropped the
chatting in my direction. Then over habit. As well as showing you how to
came one of the trainers to say do this new hobby, Ringcraft gives
“You’ve got something special there, you a network of people to say ‘hello’
the way he is standing and moving at to at shows; you are linked by the
his age”, to which I thought ‘I bet love of dogs and showing them. It’s
they say that to all the girls’, and really nice to see a friendly face at a
dismissed the comment as what they show; it makes such a difference
said to all the new people. Keeshond especially when you are first starting.
breeder Pam Luckhurst had attended I don’t go every week now but go
so they knew the breed. Evidently occasionally or if something has
we all like to share successes in our cropped up at a show that I need
Ringcraft class as it encourages advice on.
others, particularly those new to
showing, and I have noticed that
there are a lot more posts about
Steve’s wins than the others so I have
now taken their comments as truths
rather than just throw aways.
I can honestly say that when I started
Ringcraft Steve was better at it than
I was, he’d been described by our
trainers as a natural; it was like he’d
been born to show. I felt all fingers
and thumbs; my pace was all over
the place. As my dog had it sorted I
thought I’d better tag along in the
hope that I’d get to grips with it. Our
Ringcraft class is quite strict and
rightfully so; although a friendly
group we take it seriously, we want
our dogs to move correctly and I’m feeling ready at this point, so
present well to the judges. You I book a show; it was a disaster! Two
actually learn best by what you do shows in the same building, there
wrong at Ringcraft, if that makes was no breed class, so I was booked
sense, the feedback was constructive into the AVNSC - Any Variety Not