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My First Year on the Dog Show Scene

                                   By Ann Downs

        I thought you might like to hear about  encouragement from the audience to
        the first 12 months’ dog showing from  help them give it a go.
        a complete newbie.
                                            It  started  by  a  simple  question,
        I’m sat contemplating the past year;  “Would  you  consider  showing  him
        my  18-month-old  boy  ‘Steve’  aka  Ann?”.  I’ve  previously  owned  a
        Liefkees  Assisi  JW  has  managed  to  number of dogs including a Keeshond
        get a CC (at the UK Keeshond Club   and  a  Japanese  Spitz  but  never
        show), and his Junior Warrant*. He  considered showing them; they were
        has had 2 Best Puppy in Shows and   members  of  our  family,  well-loved
        1 Best in Show, Best Puppy in Breed  pets, who had fun happy lives.  I did
        at  Crufts,  as  well  as  a  number  of  agility with the Keeshond, he loved it
        placings  in  the  Utility  Group  and  but  refused  to  do  more  than  3
        placed  well  in  a  number  of  Stakes  weaves, his attitude was ‘why would
        classes too.  It slightly blows my mind  you zigzag when going in a straight
        what he has managed to achieve in   line is way more efficient’, he was a
        his short life and for me, a little pat  character.  I work with dogs and had
        on the back, as someone who didn’t  been to Crufts a few times, never in
        have a clue to start with.          my wildest dreams did I think I’d end
        If I can do it so can you.          up showing a dog there let alone have
                                            a puppy get Best Puppy in Breed on
        Sadly, numbers showing in our breed  my first go.  My first response to the
        seem to be dropping. I think this is  question was “If he likes it, I like it.
        due to a number of reasons; one of  As  long  as  he  can  be  a  proper  dog
        which is if you’ve never done it before  first as well as a show dog I’ll give it
        then it’s really scary to do something  a go”.
        completely out of your comfort zone
        and in a show ring where you have
        to  control  your  pet  whilst  being
        judged  with  an  audience  watching.
        Are  you  breaking  out  into  a  sweat

        Those who have shown for years or
        have grown up showing, imagine: you
        don’t know if you can sing or not and
        someone  has  just  wheeled  you  in
        front of Simon Cowell with your dog,
        expecting  you  and  the  dog  to
        entertain  him  and  a  small  group  of
        strangers. This is how a person new
        to dog showing feels.  Anyone in this
        situation  needs  friendly  smiles  and
                                                       Gotcha day.
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