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When he had completed all the
                                             necessary  vaccinations  etc.  I
                                             drove  to  Denmark  to  collect
                                             him. It was quite traumatic as
                                             the  ferry  going  out  sailed
                                             behind a huge storm which the
                                             captain  said  would  be  far
                                             better then sailing in it… it was
                                             bad enough, it threw you out
                                             of bed as the waves threw the
                                             ferry about but we arrived safe
                                             and sound and 5 hours late.
                                             The  journey  home  was  un-
                                             eventful, thank goodness, and
              Rio settle into my pack very easily.  At his first show in the UK
              he was awarded Best Puppy Dog by our judge Karin Hickson at
              The Keeshond Club Open show.  He qualified for Crufts several
              times  and  won  a  1   but  showing  wasn't  really  his  thing;  he
              preferred playing the fool, lifting his tail just a little and grinning
              at me.  He proved to be a good stud dog and sired 5 litters in
              all, 1 for me, 2 for Karin Hickson and 2 for Antonia Atkinson.  All
              5 litters produced lovely puppies including the gorgeous multi
              CC and group winner, Ch Kichigai Only the Lonely (Vinnie).
              We had a go at Agility and Rally which was much more his cup
              of tea but we didn't compete as I couldn't keep up with him.
              When he turned 12 we discovered he had fibrous lumps in his
              lungs.  He seemed to be doing well on his medication but on
              the  4   May  2023  we  had  taken  him  to  his  favourite  place,
              Lotherton  Hall,  when  he
              suddenly  collapsed  and  died.
              It  was  a  huge  shock  but  he
              died in his favourite place with
              his  favourite  humans  around
              him. I miss him every day and
              more so as I am now without
              a  Keesie  for  the  first  time  in
              35  years.    He  was  a  very
              special  boy  and  I  thank  Lars
              and  Annette  for  allowing  me
              to  own  him  and  Natasha  for
              always keeping in touch.

                    Barbara Stott

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