Page 23 - Year 10 Course Brochure 2023-2025
P. 23
COURSE CONTENT Geography provides valuable preparation for higher education and the world of
work, whilst also providing for everyday interest and understanding. It encompasses
scientific, political, economic and environmental ideas and issues which will help
you to develop your own opinions. Geography is about our environment – its
creation, the changes occurring within it and how these can best be managed. As a
geographer you will use a range of media to address these issues.
The Geography courses that will be studied involve a range of physical and human
topics such as plate tectonics, coasts, urban challenges and resource management.
Topics also include the interaction between humans and their environment,
including the management of hazards such as earthquakes.
APPROACH TO TEACHING Geographers stand out in the workplace due to their diverse skills. Geography
AND LEARNING allows many of these skills to be introduced and developed during Years 10 and 11;
these include Ordnance Survey map skills, the use of graphical, cartographic and
statistical techniques, practical fieldwork skills, analysis and evaluation of
information from a variety of data sources.
The mode of teaching continues the range of approaches used during the Year 9
course such as discussion, problem solving and structured written activities. Various
mediums of ICT will also be used including audio-visual material, websites and
subject specific software such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and
satellite images.
ASSESSMENT The Year 10/11 Geography qualifications are examined in three papers and there is
no coursework element. The students will be examined on their knowledge and
understanding of the content as well as on their geographical skills and the
fieldwork that will be undertaken.
FURTHER INFORMATION Studying Geography opens doors to many career choices due to the contemporary
material and the range of skills developed. At university, Geography is a popular
subject in its many forms and complements many A level combinations. It counts
as both a science (fitting well with Biology and Mathematics) and a humanities
subject (combining well with History, Business and Economics). Geography also
fulfils the ‘Humanities’ requirement if applying for US universities. Whilst studying
Geography in Years 10 and 11 is not essential for A level study, it certainly provides a
stronger foundation.
SPECIFICATION AQA | Geography | GCSE | Geography
Head of Geography