Page 8 - Pastoral Booklet 2024_25
P. 8
Adult Anti Vaping Advocate (AVAA)
There has been a
national rise in the
number of secondary
age students vaping,
despite it being illegal to sell vapes to anyone
under 18 years of age, and vaping is becoming
a widespread issue in society.
At Millfield, we maintain a punitive approach
to students who are caught vaping or
smoking, or who are caught with vaping or
smoking paraphernalia.
However, we continue to be mindful of the
pervasive and addictive nature of vaping and
every house has one adult Anti-Vaping
Advocate (AVA) within the house team. The
AVAs have been trained to understand the
key health impacts of vaping and recognise
that by providing a supportive presence, they
may be able to help students away from
behaviours that lead them to vape.
A school nurse is also undergoing specialist
training to support students who are addicted
to nicotine but wish to quit vaping.
Students are able to contact their house AVA
directly or request support with the cessation
of vaping via any member of staff or via a
Peer Mentor.
In September, we will be introducing Student Anti-
Vaping Advisors (SAVAs) who will be able to talk
about the health impacts of vaping, signpost peers
towards support and encourage students to reflect
on why they are vaping.