Page 6 - Pastoral Booklet 2024_25
P. 6
Learning Support Centre (LSC) PSHE
Students with Additional Educational Needs PSHE is a planned programme of learning
(AEN) can receive support from our team of linked to the developmental stage of a young
experienced and well-qualified LSC teachers. person, with an emphasis on a) developing
Whilst we offer significant pastoral support as the character and interpersonal skills needed
part of supporting our students, the LSC is an to tackle what is becoming an increasingly
academic department with a focus on demanding world and b) supporting the
academic support. economic, physical and emotional safety of
students now and for the future.
We aim to ensure that students with learning
differences are identified as early as possible The course will deliver an awareness of how
in their Millfield career to ensure that the to gather confidence, resilience and strength
most appropriate support is put in place as for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
quickly as possible. This allows our students to PSHE is concerned with supporting the social,
develop appropriate learning strategies that health and economic realities of our students
will allow them to achieve in line with their now and in the future and at Millfield we do
potential. that in an age-appropriate manner. It is a
fundamental part of the education of young
The LSC offers a range of academic support people; it is evidenced that a solid PSHE
systems for students with Additional curriculum increases academic attainment as
Educational Needs, including timetabled well as health and student well-being. Student
sessions of academic support which target well-being and a strong PSHE curriculum is an
literacy and study skills, assessment and integral foundation of a school’s successful
access arrangements advice and support, safeguarding culture. To reflect the breadth
lunchtime workshops and a quiet space for and importance of PSHE in our school culture
some of our students who wish to check in it will be called Character Education and Life
with the LSC team. Skills (CELS) from September 2024. It is
developed as a timetabled lesson every week
for every year group. Guest speakers are
Julie White invited to address themes such as gambling,
Head of Learning addiction, modern slavery, nicotine products
Support Department and we are proactively engaging with external
speakers and experts when needs arise. These
Philippa Counsell talks are varied each year. The PSHE
department collaborates with other
Speech and Language
departments at school and has strong links
Communication Therapist
with Group Tutor sessions; themes from PSHE
will link in with these to allow for further
exploration of the topics covered during
lessons. Students are invited to feedback and
be involved in lessons in such a way that
critical thinking and oracy are developed.