Page 9 - Pastoral Booklet 2024_25
P. 9
Peer Mentors The Student Voice
Many young people find it easier to talk to The Student Voice
their peers first, before talking to family reporting tool is
members or professionals. As a result, senior available to students
students within the Millfield student via a direct weblink or QR code which can be
community have undergone training to offer a found on their online year group
place for students to come and chat. noticeboards.
Peer Mentors offer ‘Time to Talk’ drop-in Students can report any concerns or submit
sessions which students can attend to chat feedback on their experiences of their school
about any worries they might have. These life. This could be comments or concerns
take place in the Wellbeing Hub at morning about friendships, their house, dining
breaktimes, Monday to Friday. The Peer experience, a concern for a friend or any
Mentors also offer drop in’s within the other element of their experience within
boarding / day houses and help out with school and the community.
Psychoeducation workshops. Students can submit comments anonymously
Some of the things that the mentors can help if they choose to.
students think about might be exam stress, All comments are submitted to the pastoral
friendship difficulties and day-to-day school team who review and respond accordingly.
life worries.
Time to Talk is a safe, friendly, and Who Can Students to Talk To?
confidential space for students to chat
through any worries they might have; the The students are able to talk to any member
of staff or the Pastoral Team. However, the
mentors won’t talk to anyone else about
Housemasters/mistresses (HsMs) and Group
those students unless they believe that they
Tutors are often the first point of contact for
or someone else might be at risk or could
students when they need specific pastoral
benefit from further support from one of the
school Counselling team. help or advice and, in addition to our team of
school counsellors, many of our staff are
The mentors are supervised by the Lead Counsellors.
Mental Health First Aiders and are able to
provide appropriate support, or just a
listening ear, in the event that an individual is
finding things difficult.
We also have an Independent Person, whom
the students are able to speak to if they wish
to talk to someone outside of the school.
The key thing for our students to remember
is: If in doubt, speak out!