Page 13 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 13


                                                              dimensional and 3- dimensional
                    The child demonstrates an                 objects
                    understanding of body parts and their                                          •  Identify one’s basic body parts

                                                              The child shall be able to take
                                                              care of oneself and the
                                                              environment and able to solve
                                                              problems encountered within
                                                              the context of everyday living
                    The child demonstrates an                 The child shall be able to take      •  Tell the function of each basic body part
                    understanding of body parts and their     care of oneself and the
                    uses                                      environment and able to solve        •  Demonstrate movements using different body         Week 7
                                                              problems encountered within              parts
                                                              the context of everyday living
                    The child demonstrates an                 The child shall be able to take      •  Name the five senses and their corresponding
                    understanding of body parts and their     care of oneself and the                  body parts
                    uses                                      environment and able to solve                                                              Week 8
                                                              problems encountered within
                                                              the context of everyday living
                    The child demonstrates an                 The child shall be able to take      •  Identify one’s basic needs and ways to care for
                    understanding of body parts and their     care of oneself and the                  one’s body
                    uses                                      environment and able to solve                                                              Week 9
                                                              problems encountered within
                                                              the context of everyday living
                    The child demonstrates an                 The child shall be able to take      •  Practice ways to care for one’s body
                    understanding of body parts and their     care of oneself and the
                    uses                                      environment and able to solve                                                             Week 10
                                                              problems encountered within
                                                              the context of everyday living
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