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          Quarter     Content Standards     Performance Standards                          Most Essential Learning competencies                          Duration

                        The learner…             The learner…                                          The learner…
                    demonstrates           is able to create and      interprets data presented in different kinds of line graphs (single to double-line
                    understanding of line  interpret representations  graph).
                    graphs and             of data (tables and line   solves routine and non-routine problems using data presented in a line graph.       Week 7
                    experimental           graphs) and apply          draws inferences based on data presented in a line graph.
                    probability.           experimental probability   describes experimental probability.                                                 Week 8
                                           in mathematical            performs an experimental probability and  records result by listing.
                                           problems and real-life     analyzes data obtained from chance using experiments involving letter cards (A to   Week 9
                                           situations.                Z) and number cards (0 to 20).
                                                                      solves routine and non-routine problems involving experimental  probability.

        Grade Level:  Grade 6
        Subject:       Mathematics

          Quarter     Content Standards     Performance Standards                          Most Essential Learning competencies                          Duration

                        The learner…             The learner…                                          The learner…
            Q1      demonstrates           is able to apply the four   adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed numbers without or with             Week 1
                    understanding of the  fundamental operations      regrouping.
                    four fundamental       involving fractions and    solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and/or subtraction of
                    operations involving   decimals in                fractions using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools.
                    fractions and          mathematical problems      multiplies simple fractions and mixed fractions.                                   Week 2
                    decimals.              and real-life situations.    solves routine or non-routine problems involving multiplication without or with
                                                                      addition or subtraction of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem
                                                                      solving strategies and tools.
                                                                      divides simple fractions and mixed fractions.                                      Week 3
                                                                      solves routine or non-routine problems involving division without or with any of
                                                                      the other operations of fractions and mixed fractions using appropriate problem
                                                                      solving strategies and tools.
                                                                      adds and subtracts decimals and mixed decimals through ten thousandths without     Week 4
                                                                      or with regrouping.
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