Page 21 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 21
length, weight of things around • Tell time by the hour
him/her, time (including his/her
own schedule)
The child demonstrates an The child shall be able to Week 7
• Identify the number that comes before, after, or
understanding of the sense of quantity perform simple addition and
in between
and numeral relations, that addition subtraction of up to 10 objects
results in increase and subtraction or pictures/drawings • Arrange three numbers from least to greatest/
greatest to least
results in decrease
The child demonstrates an The child shall be able to • Recognize the words “put together,” “add to,” Week 8
understanding of the sense of quantity perform simple addition and and “in all” that indicate the act of adding whole
and numeral relations, that addition subtraction of up to 10 objects numbers
results in increase and subtraction or pictures/drawings • Recognize the words “take away,” “less,” and
results in decrease “are left” that indicate the act of subtracting
whole numbers
The child demonstrates an The child shall be able to Week 9
understanding of the sense of quantity perform simple addition and • Add quantities up to 10 using concrete objects
and numeral relations, that addition subtraction of up to 10 objects • Subtract quantities up to 10 using concrete
results in increase and subtraction or pictures/drawings objects
results in decrease
The child demonstrates an The child shall be able to Week 10
understanding of the sense of quantity perform simple addition and
• Write addition and subtraction number
and numeral relations, that addition subtraction of up to 10 objects
sentences using concrete representations
results in increase and subtraction or pictures/drawings
results in decrease