Page 242 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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                   demonstrates     understanding    of  creates      simple      printmaking  lines produces harmony) whether done by hand or
                   shapes,  colors,  values,  and  the  (silkscreen)  designs  on  t-shirts  and  machine (computer).
                   principles of emphasis, contrast, and  posters.
                   harmony     in    printmaking    and                                         2. Demonstrates understanding that digital technology  Week 1
                   photography         using       new                                          has  speeded  up  the  printing  of  original  designs  and   / 3  Q
                   technologies.                                                                made it accessible to many, as emphasized in t-shirts
                                                                                                and poster designs.
                                                                                                3. applies concepts on the steps/procedure in silkscreen  Week 2
                                                                                                printing.                                                 / 3  Q
                                                                                                4.  produces  own  prints  from  original  design  to  Week 2
                                                         describes  the  basic  concepts  and  silkscreen printing to convey a message or statement.      / 3  Q
                                                         principles of basic photography.       5.  Discusses  the  concepts  and  principles  of  Week 3
                                                                                                photography.                                              / 3  Q
                                                                                                6. discusses the parts and functions of the camera (point  Week 4
                                                                                                and shoot or phone camera).                               / 3  Q
                                                                                                7.  applies  composition  skills  to  produce  a  printed  Week 5-
                                                                                                photograph for a simple photo essay.                     6 / 3  Q
                                                                                                8. participates in school/district exhibit and culminating   Weeks
                                                                                                activity  in  celebration  of  the  National  Arts  Month  7-8 / 3
                                                                                                (February)                                                  Q
            4      The learner…                          The learner…                           1.  Discusses  the  concept  that  design  principles  and  Week 1
         Quarter                                                                                elements relates to everyday objects.                     / 4  Q
                   demonstrates     understanding    of  creates  an  actual  3-D  digitally- 2.  explains  the  elements  and  principles  applied  in   Week 1
                   shapes, colors, and the principles of  enhanced paper bag for a product or   product design.                                           /4  Q

                   contrast  and  harmony  through  the  brand.
                   use of new media in creating audio- applies  concepts  on  the  use  of  new   3. manifests understanding of concepts on the use of  Week 2
                   video  art  and  product  or  package  technologies     (hardware      and   software (commands, menu, etc.)                          / 4th Q
                   design.                               software) in creating an audio-video   4. utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware  Week 2
                                                         art/animation.                         and software) in package design.                          / 4  Q
                                                                                                5.  creates  an  actual  3-D  digitally-enhanced  product  Week 4
                                                                                                design for a paper bag.                                   / 4  Q
                                                                                                6. reviews the truism that art processes, elements and  Week 3
                                                                                                principles still apply even with the use of technologies.   / 4th Q
                                                                                                 7.  discusses  the  elements  and  principles  applied  in
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