Page 286 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 286
expresses positive feelings in appropriate Week 6
demonstrates positive ways of Week 7
expressing negative feelings, such as to Week
anger, fear, or disappointment 8
displays respect for the feelings of others
4 demonstrates an understanding of rules to demonstrates consistency in discusses one’s right and responsibilities Week 1
ensure safety at home and in school following safety rules at home and in for safety
school. identifies hazardous areas at home Week 2
identifies hazardous household products Week 3
that are harmful if ingested, or inhaled,
and if touched especially electrical
recognizes warning labels that identify Week 4
harmful things and substances
explains rules for the safe use of Week 5
household chemicals
follows rules for home safety Week 6
identifies safe and unsafe practices and Week 7
conditions in the school
practices safety rules during school Week 8
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.
Grade Level: Grade 3
Subject: Health
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration
1st The learner… The learner… describes a healthy person Week 1 to
Quarter explains the concept of malnutrition Week 2
identifies nutritional problems Week 3