Page 413 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 413
forms using
Grade Level: Grade 11/12
Subject: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning
The learner…
demonstrates appreciation of presents a form of integrated contemporary art based describes various contemporary
contemporary art forms, found in the on the region of his / her choice. e.g. choreography, art forms and their practices Week 1
various regions by understanding the musical instrument, literary and music composition, from the various regions
elements and principles visual design, and/or theatrical performance discusses various art forms
Week 2
found in the philippines
demonstrates understanding of the creates avenues to advocate the arts from the different researches on various Week 3-
significant roles of artists from the regions contemporary art forms 5
regions explains filipino artists’ roles and
Week 3-
identify their contribution to 5
contemporary arts
evaluates contemporary art
Week 3-
1 forms based on the elements
semester and principles
compares forms of arts from the Week 3-
different regions 5
relates the significance of arts Week 3-
forms from the regions 5
Week 3-
promotes arts from the regions 5
shows understanding of the materials discriminates among various materials and techniques researches on techniques and
Week 3-
and techniques performance practices applied 5
to contemporary arts
discusses local materials used in Week 3-
creating art 5