Page 416 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 416


         2          Related geological hazards         The learners develop a family emergency preparedness      Discuss the different geological       Week 1
         Quarter  1. Rainfall-induced landslide        plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and      hazards
                    2. Sinkhole                        after the occurrence of events that cause geological      Analyze the causes of geological       Week 1
                                                       hazards.                                                  hazards
                                                                                                                 Recognize signs of impending           Week 1
                                                                                                                 geological hazards;
                                                                                                                 Interpret geological maps              Week 2
                                                                                                                 Apply mitigation strategies to prevent  Week 2
                                                                                                                 loss of lives and properties
                    Potential hydrometeorological      The learners develop a family emergency preparedness      Recognize signs of impending           Week 3
                    hazards:                           plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and      hydrometeorological hazards
                    1. Typhoon                         after the occurrence of events that cause                 Interpret different                    Week 3
                    2. Thunderstorm                    hydrometeorological hazards.                              hydrometeorological hazard maps
                    3. Flashflood                                                                                                                       Week 3
                    4. Flood                                                                                     Use available tools for monitoring
                    5. Stormsurge
                                                                                                                 hydrometeorological hazards
                    6. El Nino
                    7. La Nina
                    Fire hazards and related           The learners develop a family emergency preparedness      Recognize elements of the fire         Week 4
                    concepts:                          plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and      triangle in different situations
                    1. Fire triangle                   after a fire incident.                                    Analyze the different causes of fires   Week 4
                    2. Causes of fires                                                                           Observe precautionary measures and     Week 4
                    3. Phases of a fire emergency                                                                proper procedures in addressing a fire
                                                                                                                 Apply basic response procedures        Week 5
                                                                                                                 during a fire incident
                                                                                                                 Follow fire emergency and evacuation  Week 5
                    Disaster risk reduction:           The learners are able to develop a community              Discuss the key concepts, principles,   Week 6
                    1. Concept of DRR                  emergency preparedness plan and community disaster        and elements of DRR
                    2. Importance of DRR               preparedness plan to minimize vulnerability and                                                  Week 6
                                                                                                                 Recognize the importance of DRR on
                    3. Key Principles                  disaster risk in the community and avoid or limit         one’s life
                                                       adverse impacts of hazards.
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