Page 420 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 420
Describe how the present system of
classification of organisms is based on Week 6
evolutionary relationships
1. the principles of the ecosystem prepare an action plan containing
2. biotic potential and environmental mitigation measures to address
Categorize the different biotic potential and
resistance current environmental concerns and
3. terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems challenges in the community environmental resistance (e.g., diseases, Week 7
availability of food, and predators) that affect
4. how human activities affect the natural
population explosion
Grade Level: 11/12
Subject: Earth Science
Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard
Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learners demonstrate understanding The learners should be able to...
1 1. the formation of the universe and the make a concept map and use it to Describe the characteristics of Earth that are Week 1
Quarter solar system explain how the geosphere, necessary to support life
hydrosphere, atmosphere, and Week 1
Explain that the Earth consists of four
2. the subsystems (geosphere, biosphere are interconnected subsystems, across whose boundaries matter
hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
and energy flow
biosphere) that make up the Earth
1. the three main categories of rocks 1. make a plan that the community Identify common rock-forming minerals using Week 1
2. the origin and environment of may use to conserve and protect its their physical and chemical properties
formation of common minerals and resources for future generations Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and Week 2
rocks 2. prepare a plan that the community metamorphic
3. the various sources of energy (fossil may implement to minimize waste Identify the minerals important to society Week 2
fuels, geothermal, hydroelectric) when people utilize materials and Describe how ore minerals are found, mined, Week 3
4. the amount of usable water resources resources and processed for human use
on Earth Describe how fossil fuels are formed Week 3
5. the distribution of arable land on Explain how heat from inside the Earth Week 4
Earth (geothermal) and from flowing water