Page 422 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 422
2. the major subdivisions of geologic time describe the possible events that Describe the different methods (relative and Week 5
(including index fossils) occurred in a certain area based on the absolute dating) of determining the age of
3. how the planet Earth evolved in the rock layers found therein stratified rocks
last 4.6 billion years Explain how relative and absolute dating were Week 6
used to determine the subdivisions of geologic
Describe how index fossils (also known as Week 6
guide fossils) are used to define and identify
subdivisions of the geologic time scale
Describe the history of the Earth through Week 7
geologic time
Grade Level: Grade 11
Subject: General Mathematics
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration
The learner The learner is able to… The learner…
understanding of…
1 key concepts of accurately construct represents real-life situations using functions, including piece-wise functions. Week 1
Quarter functions. mathematical models evaluates a function.
to represent real-life performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and composition of
situations using functions
functions. solves problems involving functions.
key concepts of accurately formulate represents real-life situations using rational functions. Week 2
rational functions. and solve real-life distinguishes rational function, rational equation, and rational inequality.
problems involving solves rational equations and inequalities.
rational functions. represents a rational function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph, and (c)
finds the domain and range of a rational function.
determines the: (a) intercepts; (b) zeroes; and (c) asymptotes of rational Week 3
solves problems involving rational functions, equations, and inequalities.