Page 423 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 423


          Quarter     Content Standards     Performance Standards                          Most Essential Learning competencies                         Duration

                         The learner         The learner is able to…                                   The learner…
                      understanding of…
                    key concepts of        apply the concepts of      represents real-life situations using one-to one functions.                        Week 4
                    inverse functions,     inverse functions,         determines the inverse of a one-to-one function.
                    exponential            exponential functions,     represents an inverse function through its: (a) table of values, and (b) graph.
                    functions, and         and logarithmic            finds the domain and range of an inverse function.
                    logarithmic            functions to formulate     solves problems involving inverse functions.                                       Week 5
                    functions.             and solve real-life        represents real-life situations using exponential functions.
                                           problems with precision    distinguishes between exponential function, exponential equation, and
                                           and accuracy.              exponential inequality.
                                                                      solves exponential equations and inequalities.                                     Week 6

                                                                      represents an exponential function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph, and
                                                                      (c) equation.
                                                                      finds the domain and range of an exponential function.
                                                                      determines the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of an exponential function.
                                                                      solves problems involving exponential functions, equations, and inequalities.      Week 7
                                                                      represents real-life situations using logarithmic functions.                       Week 8
                                                                      distinguishes logarithmic function, logarithmic equation, and logarithmic
                                                                      solves logarithmic equations and inequalities.
                                                                      represents a logarithmic function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph, and   Week 9
                                                                      (c) equation.
                                                                      finds the domain and range of a logarithmic function.
                                                                      determines the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of logarithmic functions.
                                                                      solves problems involving logarithmic functions, equations, and inequalities.     Week 10
            2       key concepts of        investigate, analyze and   illustrates simple and compound interests.                                        Week 1 to
          Quarter  simple and              solve problems involving   distinguishes between simple and compound interests.                                  2
                    compound interests,  simple and compound          computes interest, maturity value, future value, and present value in simple
                    and simple and         interests and simple and   interest and compound interest environment.
                    general annuities.     general annuities using    solves problems involving simple and compound interests.
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