Page 419 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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cite ways to prevent or mitigate the impact Week 8
of land development, waste disposal, and
construction of structures on control coastal
2 1. the historical development of the concept value life by taking good care of all Explain the evolving concept of life based on Week 1-
Quarter of life beings, humans, plants, and animals emerging pieces of evidence 2
2. the origin of the first life forms Describe how unifying themes (e.g., structure
3. unifying themes in the study of life and function, evolution, and ecosystems) in
the study of life show the connections among Week 2
living things and how they interact with each
other and with their environment
1. plant and animal reproduction conduct a survey of products Describe the different ways of how Week 3
2. how genes work containing substances that can representative animals reproduce
3. how genetic engineering is used to produce trigger genetic disorders such as Describe the process of genetic engineering Week 4
novel products phenylketonuria Evaluate the benefits and risks of using
GMOs Week 4
1. nutrition: getting food to cells make a presentation of some Describe the general and unique
2. gas exchange with the environment diseases that are associated with the characteristics of the different organ systems Week 5
3. circulation: the internal transport system various organ systems in representative animals
4. the need for homeostasis
5. salt and water balance and
waste removal
6. the immune system: Analyze and appreciate the functional
defense from disease relationships of the different organ systems Week 5
7. how hormones govern body activities in ensuring animal survival
8. the nervous system
9. the body in motion
1. the evidence for evolution Design a poster tracing the Explain how populations of organisms have
2. the origin and extinction of species evolutionary changes in a crop plant changed and continue to change over time
(e.g., rice or corn) that occurred showing patterns of descent with
Week 6
through domestication modification from common ancestors to
produce the organismal diversity observed