Page 421 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 421
6. waste generation and management (hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy
for human use
Identify the various water resources on Earth Week 4
Explain how different activities affect the quality Week 5
and availability of water for human use
Identify human activities, such as farming, Week 5
construction of structures, and waste disposal,
that affect the quality and quantity of soil
Give ways of conserving and protecting the Week 6
soil for future generations
Describe how people generate different types Week 6
of waste (solid, liquid, and gaseous) as they
make use of various materials and resources in
everyday life
Explain how different types of waste affect Week 7
people’s health and the environment
2 1. geologic processes that occur on 1. make a simple map showing places Describe how rocks undergo weathering Week 1
Quarter the surface of the Earth such as where erosion and landslides may pose Explain why the Earth’s interior is hot Week 1
weathering, erosion, mass wasting, and risks in the community Describe what happens after magma is formed Week 2
sedimentation 2. using maps, diagrams, or models, describe the changes in mineral components Week 2
2. geologic processes that occur within predict what could happen in the and texture of rocks due to changes in
the Earth future as the tectonic plates continue pressure and temperature (metamorphism)
3. folding and faulting of rocks to move Describe how rocks behave under different Week 3
4. the internal structure of the Earth types of stress such as compression, pulling
5. continental drift apart, and shearing
6. seafloor spreading explain how seafloor spreads Week 3
Describe the structure and evolution of ocean Week 4
explain how the movement of plates leads to Week 4
the formation of folds, faults, trenches,
volcanoes, rift valleys, and mountain ranges
1. relative and absolute dating Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) Week 5
are formed