Page 415 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 415


                                                                                                                 socio-cultural, economic, political, and
                    Various elements that may be       The learners conduct hazard hunts of exposed elements  Explain the meaning of vulnerability      Week 3
                    exposed to hazards:                and propose corresponding corrective actions for one’s    Explain why certain sectors of society   Week 3
                    1. Physical                        preparedness.                                             are more vulnerable to disaster than
                    2. Social                                                                                    others
                    3. Economic                                                                                  Recognize vulnerabilities of different   Week 4
                    4. Environmental                                                                             elements exposed to specific hazards
                    Vulnerability of each exposed                                                                Differentiate among hazards,           Week 4
                    element.                                                                                     exposure, and vulnerabilities and
                                                                                                                 explain the relationship of the three
                                                                                                                 to disaster risk
                    1. Concept of hazard               The learners relate various types of hazard with a        Define and cite examples of the types   Week 5
                    2. Types of hazards                specific area for one’s preparedness.                     of hazards
                    3. The impact of various hazards                                                             Explain the impact of various hazards   Week 5
                                                                                                                 on people and the environment
                    Potential earthquake hazards:      The learners develop a family emergency preparedness      Identify various potential earthquake   Week 6
                    1. Ground shaking                  plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and      hazards
                    2. Ground rupture                  after an earthquake.                                      Recognize the natural signs of an      Week 6
                    3. Liquefaction                                                                              impending tsunami;
                    4. Earthquake-induced ground                                                                 Analyze the effects of the different   Week 6
                    subsidence                                                                                   earthquake hazards
                    5. Tsunami                                                                                   Interpret different earthquake hazard  Week 7
                    6. Earthquake-induced landslide                                                              maps;
                    Signs of impending volcanic        The learners develop a family emergency preparedness      Explain various volcano-related        Week 7
                    eruptions                          plan to guide them on what to do before, during, and      hazards
                    Potential volcano-related          after a volcanic eruption.                                Recognize signs of an impending        Week 8
                    hazards:                                                                                     volcanic eruption
                    1. Lahar                                                                                                                            Week 8
                    2. Ash fall
                    3. Pyroclastic flow                                                                          Interpret different volcano hazard
                    4. Ballistic Projectile                                                                      maps;
                    5. Volcanic Glasses
                    6. Lava flow
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