Page 433 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 433


                                                                                                            Evaluate a creative multimedia form
                                                                                                            (living museum, electronic portfolio,
                                                                                                            Produce a creative text-based, visual-
                                                                                                            based, audio-based, motion-based, and
                                                                                                            manipulative-based presentation using
                                                                                                            design principle and elements

        Grade Level: 11/12
        Subject: Oral Communication

                                                                                                                    Most Essential Learning
          Quarter                 Content Standards                       Performance Standards                                                        Duration
            S1 1      The learner understands the nature and       The learner designs and performs          Explains the functions, nature and       Week 1-10
           Quarter    elements of oral communication in context.   effective controlled and uncontrolled     process of communication
                                                                   oral communication activities based on    Differentiates the various models of
                                                                   context.                                  communication
                                                                                                             Uses various strategies in order to
                                                                                                             avoid communication breakdown
                      The learner values the functions/ purposes   The learner writes a 250-word essay of    Examines sample oral communication
                      of oral communication.                       his/her objective observation and         activities
                                                                   evaluation of the various speakers
                                                                   watched and listened to.
                      The learner recognizes that communicative    The learner demonstrates effective use  Identifies the various types of speech
                      competence requires understanding of         of communicative strategy in a variety    context.
                      speech context, speech style, speech act     of speech situations.                     Distinguishes types of speeches and
                      and communicative strategy.                                                            speech style
                                                                                                             Responds appropriately and effectively
                                                                                                             to a speech act
            S1 2      The learner recognizes that communicative    The learner demonstrates effective use  Employs various communicative               Week 11-
           Quarter    competence requires understanding of         of communicative strategy in a variety    strategies in different situations           20
                      speech context, speech style, speech act     of speech situations.                     Explains that a shift in speech context,
                      and communicative strategy.                                                            speech style, speech act and
                                                                                                             communicative strategy affects the
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