Page 458 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 458
4. Presentation of cafeteria
patronage data (Business/
the principles and evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and applications in Weeks 5-6
techniques of independently apply the developing ICT content for specific professional tracks
design using online principles and techniques apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools,
creation tools, of platforms, and applications to communicate a message for a specific
platforms, and design using online purpose in specific professional tracks
applications to creation
develop ICT content for tools, platforms, and create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools,
specific applications to create platforms, and applications to effectively communicate messages related
professional tracks original or to specific professional track
derivative ICT content for
use in
specific professional tracks
These may be in the form
but not limited to:
1. Survey instruments
Google forms (Business/
2. Athletic match-ups and
league standings using
Mindmeister (Sports)
3. Catalogues/Swatches/
options for products and
services using Prezi (Tech
4. Online photo album of
artistic works or