Page 453 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 453
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
become competent consequences of ignoring these
members of society rules
how individuals learn
culture and become
competent members
of society
2. assess the rules of social *Analyze the forms and functions of social organizations Week 6
2. how individuals interaction to maintain stability of
should behave as part everyday life and the role of
of a political innovation in response to
community problems and challenges
2 *Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institutions Week 7
Quarter 1. cultural, social, and 1. analyze aspects of social
political institutions organization
as sets of norms and
patterns of behavior 2. identify one’s role in social
that relate to major groups and institutions *Examine the functions and importance of education in the society Week 8
social interests
3. recognize other forms of
2. social stratification economic transaction such as
as the ranking of sharing, gift exchange, and
individuals according redistribution in his/her own *Examine the concept, characteristics and forms of stratification systems Week 9
to wealth, power, society using sociological perspectives
and prestige
Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social Week 10
3. social and political inequalities e.g. local, national, global
inequalities as
features of societies *Suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national and global) Week 11
and the global