Page 448 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 448
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration
The learner demonstrates The learner is able to… The learner…
understanding of…
calculates the mean and the variance of a discrete
random variable.
interprets the mean and the variance of a discrete Week 3
random variable.
solves problems involving mean and variance of
probability distributions.
The learner demonstrates The learner is able to accurately illustrates a normal random variable and its
understanding of formulate and solve real-life problems characteristics.
key concepts of normal in different disciplines identifies regions under the normal curve Week 4
probability distribution. involving normal distribution. corresponding to different standard normal
converts a normal random variable to a standard
normal variable and vice versa.
computes probabilities and percentiles using the
standard normal table.
The learner demonstrates The learner is able to apply suitable illustrates random sampling. Week 5
understanding of key concepts of sampling and sampling distributions of distinguishes between parameter and statistic.
sampling and sampling the sample mean to solve real-life identifies sampling distributions of statistics
distributions of the sample mean. problems in different disciplines. (sample mean).
finds the mean and variance of the sampling Week 6
distribution of the sample mean.
defines the sampling distribution of the sample
mean for normal population when the variance is:
(a) known; (b) unknown
illustrates the Central Limit Theorem. Week 7
defines the sampling distribution of the sample to 8
mean using the Central Limit Theorem.
solves problems involving sampling distributions of
the sample mean.
illustrates the t-distribution. Week 9