Page 451 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 451


          Quarter           Content Standards                    Performance Standards                    Most Essential Learning competencies          Duration

                         The learner demonstrates                 The learner is able to…                             The learner…
                            understanding of…
                                                                                                    interprets the calculated slope and y-intercept of
                                                                                                    the regression line.
                                                                                                    predicts the value of the dependent variable given   Week 10
                                                                                                    the value of the independent variable.
                                                                                                    solves problems involving regression analysis.

        Grade Level: Grade 11/12
        Subject: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

         Quarter     Content Standards          Performance Standards                          Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration

            1       The learners
          Quarter  demonstrate an          The learners
                    understanding of:
                                           1. acknowledge human cultural
                    1. human cultural      variation, social differences, social  *Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology,
                    variation, social      change, and political identities    sociology and political science                                           Week 1
                    differences, social
                    change, and political   2. adopt an open and critical
                    identities             attitude toward different social,
                                           political, and cultural phenomena
                    2. the significance of   through observation and
                    studying culture,      reflection
                    society, and politics
                                           3. appreciates the  value of
                    3. the rationale for   disciplines of Anthropology,
                    studying               Sociology, and  Political Science as
                    anthropology,          social sciences
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