Page 522 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 522


        Grade Level: Grade 12
        Subject: Philippine Politics and Governance

              Quarter                  Contents Standards               Performance Standards             Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                             Demonstrate an understanding of
                             politics and political science,
                             governance, political ideologies,        Clearly identify a specific
                             power, states, nations, and              political phenomenon and      Explain the concept, relationship and importance
                             globalization                            how it can be studied         of politics, governance and government                 Week 1
                                                                                                    Differentiate the political ideologies                Week 2-3

                                                                                                    Analyze the nature, dimensions/types, and

                                                                                                    consequences of power                                  Week 4

                                                                                                    Analyze the relationship among nations and states
                                                                                                    in the context of globalization

                                                                                                                                                          Week 5-6

                                                                                                    Analyze the evolution of Philippine politics and
         1st Quarter                                                                                governance                                            Week 7-8
                             Demonstrate an understanding of the                                    Analyze the roles and powers of the executive
                             historical background of Philippine                                    branch of the government                               Week 9
                             democratic politics, the executive, the                                Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of the
                             legislative, the judiciary, and          Explain the roles of different  Philippine Senate and the House of
                             decentralization and local governance    political institutions        Representatives                                       Week 10
                                                                                                    Analyze the roles and responsibilities of the
          2  Quarter                                                                                Philippine Judiciary                                  Week 11
                                                                                                    Explain the roles and functions of Local
                                                                                                    Government Unit (LGU)                                 Week 12

                                                                      Analyze the interactions      Analyze the nature of elections and political
                                                                      between state and society     parties in the Philippines                            Week 13
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