Page 524 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 524


                                                        cultural, and kinship ties) within a         •  Differentiate key components in
                                                        particular community.                            strategic analysis and intuitive
                                                                                              2.  Apply strategic analysis
                                                                                              3.  Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem
                                                                                                  in the community using a map of social
                           The learner understands      The learner locates on a map the      1. Explain the concrete effects of globalization
                           the components,              different geographical origins of the    and to one’s daily life                            Week 4
                           operations, effects, and     various components/elements of an  2. Explain the need for collaboration and
                           networks of globalization    industrial/technological/agricultural    cooperation to achieve interconnectedness
                           in his/her daily life.       product and writes a reflection essay    of people and nations
                                                        on the insights gathered from the     3.  Discuss the different contributions of the
                                                        exercise.                                 parts to a whole and the important role of        Week 5
                                                                                                  creative imagination in putting together the
                                                        The learner locates on a map the          various parts of a whole
                                                        workplaces of the OFWs in their       4.  Illustrate the origin of the different
                                                        community and writes a reflection         components of a gadget, business
                                                        paper on the effects of labor             enterprise,
                                                        migration to their community.

                                                                                                  product, etc. through a mind map and
                                                                                                  reflection essay

                           The learner understands      The learner                           1.  Explain the effects of consumption and
                           the consequences of                                                    production patterns on climate change
                           personal and local action    1) analyzes how production and        2.  Discuss personal contributions  that can
                           to global and planetary      consumption habits contribute to          actually solve the problem of climate             Week 6
                           climate change.              the problem of climate change and         change
                                                        explain why.
                                                                                              3.  Make a stand on how the consequences of
                                                         2) writes a resolution that you can      one’s action affect the lives of others and
                                                         share with your friends about how        the environment
                                                           you can personally contribute
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