Page 525 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 525
towards solving the problem of
climate change.
Culminating Activity or Exam – 1 week
Discuss demonstrate and examine the relationship between network and trends and how it affects you
The learner understands using any form of oral presentation, 1. Identify democratic practices
the meaning and the learner explains creatively the ill 2. Explain the importance of participation in Week 1
dimensions of democracy. effects of undemocratic practices democracy
related to factors such as gender 3. Differentiate participatory from
biases, poverty, political representative democracy
marginalization, racial inequality, 4. Assess democratic interventions prevailing
cultural domination, crisis of in political and social institutions
2 Quarter representation and politics of 5. Formulate a viable alternative to Week 2
recognition. undemocratic practices
The learner understands The learner organizes and mobilizes 1. Identify the dimensions of technology that
how ICT enslaves, an event that deals with a significant are enabling and inhibiting Week 3
emancipates, and global issue, using ICT. 2. Discuss the benefits of technology
empowers individuals. 3. Explain the weakest link in a system using
strategic and intuitive thinking
4. Explain how information communication
technology can facilitate social
relationships and political movements Week 4
(occupy movements)
5. Propose a creative intervention to improve
human life using ICT
1. Differentiate connections from
The learner understands The learner creates a social map that relationship, and networks Week 5
the parallelism between traces the various roles that 2. Illustrate how the brain or neural network
neural and social students play in the community works
networks. (family members, community 3. Compare the neural networks with social
leader, etc.) and rank the networks Week 6
significance of the roles played 4. Establish linkage between self and the
within the community. social network one belongs to