Page 523 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 523
Demonstrate an understanding of
elections and political and civil society
and social movements
Explain the concept, role, and contributions of
civil society societies and social movements to
Philippine democracy Week 14
Propose a project on Explain the importance of active citizenship Week 15
Demonstrate an understanding of political engagement and
citizenship youth empowerment Explain issues and programs related to political
engagement and youth empowerment Week 16
Grade Level: Grade 12
Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Quarter Contents Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner understands The learner will be able to derive an 1. Differentiate a trend from a fad Weeks 1-2
the emergence of trends idea from instances and present this 2. Explain the process on how to spot a trend
and patterns. idea through a 100-word essay, 3. Point out the elements that make up a
artwork, and other graphic trend
representations. 4. Describe the different characteristics of a
5. Identify parts of a whole.
1 Quarter 6. Identify and explain an emerging pattern
7. Identify causes and consequences
The learner understands The learner draws a color-coded 1. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive
strategic analysis and map of the networks of power thinking
intuitive thinking. relations (political, economic, • Define strategic analysis and
intuitive thinking Week 3