Page 518 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 518


          Quarter      Content Standards          Performance Standards                     Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration

                    The learner               The learner presents a character
                    demonstrates              sketch of a person who
                    understanding of the      personifies the Confucian                                                                          Week 12
                    elements of               virtues.

                    a. Founder: Confucius
                    (551-479 B.C.)
                    b. Sacred texts:
                    Confucian Classics c.
                    Doctrines: Mandate of
                    Heaven, T”ien, Human                                        *Analyze the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
                    nature as originally                                        practices, and related issues of Confucianism
                    good (Mencius) or evil
                    (Hsun Tze),
                    Rectification of Names,
                    The Moral Way
                    consisting of five
                    cardinal virtues, Filial
                    Piety, and Ancestor
                    Worship d. God:
                    Heaven e. Issues:
                    Gender inequality,
                    The learner               The learner identifies the things
                    demonstrates              she can do without by making
                    understanding of the      an inventory of personal
                                                                                *Analyze the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
                    elements of Taoism: a.    belongings (e.g. things in the    practices, and related issues of Taoism                          Week 13
                    Founder: Lao Tzu (604     bedroom) and writes a
                    B.C. - ?) b. Sacred texts:  reflection on Taoism based on
                    Tao Te Ching, Book of     the result of the inventory.
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