Page 516 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 516
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
Inequality, Caste
System, Poverty
The learner
understanding of the
elements of Theravada
a. Founder: Siddhartha The learner evaluates the *Analyze the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
Gautama (563-483 Eightfold Path in terms of how it practices, and related issues of Theravada Buddhism Week 9
B.C.) b. Sacred texts: achieves the Middle Way
Tripitaka c. Doctrines:
Four Noble Truths,
Eight-fold Path, Law of
Dependent Origination
and The Impermanence
of Things d. God: non-
theistic e. Issue:
Territory conflict in
Mainland Southeast