Page 514 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 514


          Quarter      Content Standards          Performance Standards                     Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration

                           ordination of

                    The learner
                    understanding of the
                    elements of Islam:

                    a. Founder: Prophet
                    Muhammad (570-632
                    A.D.) b. Sacred texts:
                    Qur’an, Hadith  c.        The learner conducts a panel
                    Doctrines: Five Pillars of  discussion on Muslim beliefs
                    Islam (Shahadah-          and practices (when possible                                                                       Week 6
                    declaring there is no     inviting a Muslim).
                    other god but Allah and                                     *Examine the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs,
                    Muhammad is His                                             practices, and related issues of Islam
                    messenger, Salat-ritual
                    prayer five times a day,
                    Sawm-fasting during
                    Ramadan, Zakat-alms
                    giving to the poor, and
                    Hajjpilgrimage to
                    Mecca at least once in
                    a lifetime) d. God: Allah
                    e. Practitioners: Sunni,
                    Shi’ite, Sufi f. Issues:
   509   510   511   512   513   514   515   516   517   518   519