Page 510 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 510
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
c. Symbolic Interactionism
key concepts and
approaches in the interpret personal and social *Apply the major social science theories and its importance in
Social experiences using relevant examining socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions.
Sciences approaches in the Social a. Structural-functionalism Week 6-7
Sciences b. Marxism
c. Symbolic Interactionism
evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of the approach *Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social
science ideas:
a. Psychoanalysis Week 8-10
b. Rational Choice
c. Institutionalism
d. Feminist Theory
e. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
f. Human-Environment Systems
*Apply the social science ideas and its importance in examining Week 11-12
socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions.
*Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social
science ideas:
a. Psychoanalysis
b. Rational Choice
c. Institutionalism
d. Feminist Theory
e. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
f. Human-Environment Systems
2 key concepts in the carry out an exploration of *Examine the key concepts and ideas of Filipino thinkers in the Week 13
Quarter Social Sciences personal and social experiences Social Sciences rooted in Filipino language/s and experiences:
rooted in Filipino using indigenous concepts a. 19 Century (Isabelo delos Reyes, Jose Rizal, others )