Page 507 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 507
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standard Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
clientele and audiences in use acceptable research protocols,
social work conduct a survey among young
adults (i.e., ages 18–21) on their 10. distinguish the needs of individuals,
social work needs
groups, organizations and
present results and communities
recommendation for class
settings, processes, using the results of the survey
methods, and tools in social conducted, critically evaluate
work whether the needs of the
respondents are addressed by the 11. illustrate the different processes and
practitioners and pertinent methods involved in undertaking
institutions social work
propose suggestions on how needs
can be effectively addressed
disciplines of communication demonstrate a high level of 1. identify the goals and scope of
understanding of the basic concepts communication
of communication through a group
presentation of a situation in which 2. explain the principles of
practitioners of communication communication
work together to assist individuals,
groups, or communities involved in Week 7
difficult situations (e.g., post 4. describe the elements and levels of
disaster, court hearing about the communication processes
separation of celebrity couple, cyber
professionals and undertake participant observation 5. explain the roles and functions of
practitioners in (e.g., a day in a life of a communicators and journalists
communication communicator/ journalist) to 6. identify specific work areas in which
adequately document and critique
communicators and journalists work